Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Where can i find ceramic hair straighteners besides online??

please answer i really need oneWhere can i find ceramic hair straighteners besides online??
a salon or beauty store the good ones are about $100-$150. mine is a ceramic its called a ';chi'; and its skinny about an inch wide. those are better cause you can get closer to the root.Where can i find ceramic hair straighteners besides online??
target cosco
Don't know where you are but places like T.J. Max and Sally's Beauty Supply or any Beauty Supply outlet should have them. The thing with getting them online is that a lot of the time you can get them cheaper, even with shipping than you can in a store.
ummm anywere
Walgreens. thats where i got mine.
ULTA beauty stores and stylist/salon places, like TradeSecret. You can find lower quality, cheap ones in Wal-Mart or a drugstore, but that isn't recommended for long-term use.
JC Penny salon has them but they are $100 in the store and only $55 on ebay.
hmm maybe a salon,wal-mart,target,k-mart maybe those?
I found mine at a salon/beauty store.
Any beauty supply store,Walmart,Sears,Etc. If your wanting a decent one though then be prepared to spend at least 50$ or more. You get what you pay for and my chi works a heck of alot better then the con air one I had.Also get one with a temperature setting so you can control how hot it gets to keep from excessive heat damage.
i bought one from the hairdresser for $40 - and department stores all have them too.

ps - dont forget to use the special conditioner to protect your hair and make sure it is totally dry before using it
u can get one at walmart or ther is always the mall they always have them
you can find them pretty much anywhere i see them all the time Lol they sell them at Target Walmart and etc at walmart they have a red conair one thats about $35 dollars :] i have one and i love it to death it works very well. its called Dry N' Straight 1 陆'; Ceramic Straightener

If u have short hair or hair to shoulder length then dont get a straightner width larger than an inch and a half

and for longer have go from 1 and a half inches to 2 and a half

Good Luck!
NEVER EVER EVER BUY ONE FROM A DRUG STORE!uggh....omg.its cheap but it doesnt last.it burns your hair and gives you mad split ends.sephora, ulta and target sell them.use heat protection spray before you straighten it.i read reviews before i buy a new one.ive heard pretty good thing about bed head, sedu and GHD
in the mall you know how they have those little stands or any hair store sallys should have them
i got mine at nordstroms and it works very good
-beauty brands



sometimes your nearest beauty parlor would have some

the best kind is chi!!!!
Most beauty salons sell them.

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